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I was at home today preparing for next week's interview and I felt stagnant and lazy. I had taken up permanent residence on my sofa. A true couch potato. And my body was unimpressed, my hips and low back and shoulders were sore, as though I slept in an awkward position. I had to get out.
Finally the trainers were laced, the i-pod charged and the sports bra located. The ground and the air were damp from earlier rain and felt fresh. I did some
dynamic stretches because my underused muscles felt tight and stiff, drank some water, and left.
There is a park less than 1 minutes walk from my flat. I really have no excuse for my prolonged period of inactivity. The park is ringed by a path, and I jogged aroud it twice dodging cracks, potholes, uneven cambers and dog shit. All of these things preferable to running like a hamster on a treadmill surrounded by sweaty, grunting people. I think I'll try again on Thursday morning, let's see if I can get my ass in shape for Salvador!