Tuesday, 8 February 2011

Just something I liked...
"When I do marriage counseling, I ask couples if they have the following feelings about their spouse:
1) They won't hurt me intentionally 
2) They love me unconditionally 
3) They have my best intentions at heart 
4)We're in this together
If one of those is missing, I know I have a lot more work ahead of me. But when those things are there? It's worth it."
- Jayme C on Black and Bougie

Friday, 4 February 2011

on the way home...

The Meeting Place - St Pancras Station, BBC Yorkshire

Descending the escalators we were confronted with a man and a woman entwined as if one body.  Fierce in embrace and placing tender, heartfelt kisses on noses, upper lips and chins, the intensity of their affection parts the hoards of departing fans.  To the averted eyes and whispers of "get a room" the entwined couple remained blissfully oblivious, lost in each other.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

Running part 2

For the first installement, please click here

I was at home today preparing for next week's interview and I felt stagnant and lazy.  I had taken up permanent residence on my sofa.  A true couch potato.  And my body was unimpressed, my hips and low back and shoulders were sore, as though I slept in an awkward position.  I had to get out.

Finally the trainers were laced, the i-pod charged and the sports bra located.  The ground and the air were damp from earlier rain and felt fresh.  I did some dynamic stretches because my underused muscles felt tight and stiff, drank some water, and left.

There is a park less than 1 minutes walk from my flat.  I really have no excuse for my prolonged period of inactivity.  The park is ringed by a path, and I jogged aroud it twice dodging cracks, potholes, uneven cambers and dog shit.  All of these things preferable to running like a hamster on a treadmill surrounded by sweaty, grunting people.  I think I'll try again on Thursday morning, let's see if I can get my ass in shape for Salvador!