Four years of life and I have finally reached the day that made it all worth while. Last friday I opened an envelope while my heart pulsed in my mouth and then cried as I read Final Grade - BDS (Hons). These weren't pretty tears. They were snotty, red eyed, honking sobs of gratitude and relief, since I had managed to convince myself that I had failed at least one of the exams. I hadn't quite composed myself when I called my parents and they were sure I had failed until I managed to get the good news out.
So now I'm a doctor (ish). A doctor of teeth. And I couldn't be happier.
Results weekend fell on the weekend of my 26th birthday so it really was a celebration, presents included a stack of cash, a kindle (can't wait til Amazon finally delivers this), jewellery and a holiday to the Dominican Republic (although technically this was less of a present and more my Dad trying to get rid of his airmiles).
I am walking around London with a ridiculous smile on my face. I'm a clown. I look like I have been botoxed this way. I don't care.
Back down on earth I still have patients to finish off and bureaucracy to navigate so I can move to Oxford with a clear head.